Friday, June 6, 2014

Happiness Update

For the last five days bedtime has gone quite well, and I really have to give kudos to Robb for this one. While I did suggest that we make a change and he be the one who actually puts Ren in bed, it appears the whole "be downstairs in timeout or be upstairs in bed" works to help Ren choose bed. For a couple nights he didn't come out of his room at all, but when he did (last night), he stood at the top of the stairs and talked with himself about what to do:

"If I go downstairs, I'll be in time out. I need to stay upstairs in bed."
(We hear him come down a step or two.)
"Daddy says if I go downstairs, I'll be in time out. I need to stay upstairs in bed."
(Comes down another step or two.)

When he finally made it downstairs Robb looked at him and said "you have two choices: be downstairs in time out or be upstairs in bed."

Ren: "Okay, I'm going to go to bed now."
And he did.

Way to go Dad!


Brittany said...

Success! I'm glad you found something that works. :-)

Shalmeno said...

Me too! Giving him two choices seems to work pretty well - besides that it totally blew his mind the first time! (His face when he was trying to figure it out was pretty hilarious.) :-)

bedelia said...

That is amazing. I'm sure I'm gonna have this situation happen again and I'm totally trying this.

Unknown said...

The whole conversation with himself as he was coming down the stairs has me dying of cuteness overload. Good heavens, I adore that little man.

Alene Harrison said...

I am SUPER impressed and proud of you both. I don't know who figured out the "give him two choices" (I think I remember Robb saying Clarissa told him that), but however you did it, it's TERRIFIC. GOOD JOB, ROBB!!!!


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