Monday, November 22, 2010


Today, as I'm lying in bed with a serious head cold, I'm trying to be positive and reflect on the many blessings I enjoy. Such as:

My awesome parents, siblings, and nieces/nephews
all my former roommates (and current friends!) from LBC, Provo, and Spain
Blogs, so I can keep up with said friends
Telephones (for the same reason, and)
Facebook (even though it's often a pain)
Prayer (because otherwise I'd go crazy)
My generally-good health
Health insurance (for sure)
My job...even though it DEFINITELY drives me crazy
Hilda and Liz, who keep me sane at work
My students, because they make me laugh
Craigslist (without it, where would I live and what furniture would I have?) ;-)
The Internet
Cars that run well
My home
And today in particular, cough drops and cough syrup. And tea with honey.
Which makes me think of Honey the cat, which makes me think of Maggie the dog.

And so much more!!!


Unknown said...

Sniff...I'm thankful for you, too. And very excited that I made it to #3 on the list. Maggie appreciates the shout-out as well. : ) Feel better!

madrilenamer said...

I'm thankful for you!!


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