Monday, October 18, 2010

My new dream bike

So when I was growing up we had a few elderly couples living on our street, and they all had those adult tricycles with a basket between the back wheels. I thought those were the COOLEST bikes and I've wanted one ever since. That is, I wanted one until I read my friend's blog and saw THIS:

Madsen Cycles Cargo Bikes


bedelia said...

seriously, they are amazing. I think I'm driving my husband nuts telling him how much I love them.

Andrea Harrison said...

I totally agree. It looks like so much fun.

madrilenamer said...

That is amazing. I really want one. Except Eli would probably fling his busy little self over the edge. Do they come with seatbelts??

Shalmeno said...

Yes, they do! (Have seatbelts, that is.)


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