Tuesday, May 12, 2015

One of a Kind

How many 5 month olds do YOU know who have to get a special outfit for an MRI? Not many, I bet. Isn't he beautiful?

Since I'm sure you're wondering, he's got a deep dimple on his bum. That part of the skin develops at the same time as the spinal cord, so he needs an MRI to determine whether or not his spinal cord is tethered. He went through the procedure (including sedation) like a champ, and we are awaiting the results. I'll keep you posted. 


Unknown said...

So glad to hear Ren is going to be fine, or that the specialists feel there's nothing to really worry about. That's great news!

Unknown said...

You know I meant Soren... 8)

Unknown said...

This kid...man I love your boys.


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