Sunday, October 20, 2013

Let the Fun Conversations Begin!

Ren: Mommy, milk. Mommy, Milk.
(We go in the kitchen to get a cup of milk.)
Ren: Mommy, cake. Mommy, cake!
Me: There's no cake, buddy. We haven't had any cake in the house for a while.
(I lift him up and show him the cake-free stove top and counters. He goes back to drinking his milk.)
A few minutes later...
Me: We need to figure out what to have for dinner. What should we eat?
Ren: Cake!!!


Unknown said...

Cake for dinner. He's obviously a smart man who takes after his auntie.

Brittany said...

Haha! That's awesome! I've heard of eating dessert before dinner but having dessert for dinner? Brilliant. LOL.

Carrie said...

This kid is no dummy - you asked and he gave a very fair answer. I do hope it was cake for dinner


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