Saturday, May 14, 2011

10 Things I Love About Robb

This post is dedicated to my husband, so if you don't feel like finding out various ways in which he is AWESOME, my feelings won't be hurt.

10.  He's a very talented cook.
9.  Robb is willing to change to be a better person and helps me see things I need to work on, too.

8.  He puts up with my weirdness (and there's a lot of it!) with equanimity.

7.  Robb comes to sing with the ward choir every time we perform and he helps me figure out how to be a better conductor.

6.  He hates to see me sad or upset and consequently has made it a continuous quest to cheer me out of the doldrums.  He's very good at making me laugh and helps me remember to be silly.

5.  Even when he has lots of work to do for school and has to stay up really late (and/or all night) Robb will come lie down with me when I go to bed and stays until I fall asleep.

4.  He noticed that my blood sugar was getting really low while we were out running errands and immediately found a place we could eat, took me straight there, figured out what would make me feel better and ordered (all of which made me happy because my brain doesn't work well when I'm low.)

3.  When I wake up in the middle of the night with low blood sugar and have to stay awake until it comes up to a reasonable level Robb stays awake with me AND keeps me from eating too much (which is really easy for me to do when I'm half asleep and low-sugar loopy.)

2.  He's in the middle of finals and hasn't slept in the last two days, but made time to come outside to our yard sale and talk to a lady who was interested in buying his old desk.  (A giant, antique, HEAVY, solid wood monster that we really wanted to get out of our garage.)  And she bought it - HOORAY!

1.  Our gas was shut off by accident on Monday.  Whenever this happens PG&E comes out and relights everything BUT our downstairs furnace because there's some issue with the valve only being accessible from below.  Guess they don't like doing crawl spaces.  Anyway, after listening to my teeth chattering for six days Robb decided he didn't feel like waiting for our landlord to take care of things and that he would do it himself.  So he put on his coverall and a headlamp, crawled under our house, and lit the pilot light.  I am warm, I am happy, and I am married to an amazing man!


bedelia said...

I liked this post and decided to comment since I haven't in awhile but I can't think of anything to say but I liked it. I also like your funny craigslist quotes on the side.

Wendy said...

What a keeper. :)

Elizabeth Hancock said...

GREAT LIST!!! I'm thinking of doing my own...someday. =)

I think the sweetest two are a)staying by you 'til you fall asleep, and b)waking with you and staying up when you're low-sugar gets you up in the middle of the night.

Mine's a good cook, too--but I'M SURE yours is ALSO a healthy cook, which trumps mine!

Hope your health is well and you can hang on 'til SCHOOL'S OUT!!! (I personally am practically giddy at the thought...)




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