- Incorporate your family into your friendships. For example...joint family camping trips, play dates, etc.
- Go do things after the kids go to bed.
- Plan day time activities maybe twice a month- book club, 5ks, lunches and getting nails done. All of these events make you happier, healthier/sparklier and more thankful when you return home.
- Go to lunch or dinner with friends once a month.
- 1-playgrounds. Most of my friends that don't have kids are okay with us walking to Starbucks and then a playground. Friends with kids we'll do playgrounds, target trips sometimes, and restaurants. 2-With work, I try to not bring anything home except for laptop. 3-Budget for some extra help.
- Get out on my own a couple times a month...You just have to judge needs and be flexible about how you do things.
- Balance is a relative term, right? It's more coming to terms that things may not be perfect and that's ok. Play dates with moms/kids are great so you spend time with kids and have time to chat. Mom's night out once a month or so.
- I go out with friends a couple times a month. I may only be gone two hours but I am happier when I get home.
- Play dates are awesome times to chat with friends and then the kids are entertained, too. I try and catch up on work for an hour after baby goes to bed, and then I don't do work on the weekends. Figuring out the balance is definitely tough (especially learning that it's ok if the dishes don't get done one night, etc.) and I'm still working on it!
- Schedule a night/day of alone time and one of friend time at least once per month. Also have some time that is only family time, with no distractions. Having that specific time where other things can be pushed to the side really helps to feel renewed and able to take on the mundane tasks of life.
- I have tried to adopt the outlook that if I don't initiate it, it won't happen (and I'm still not great at it). So, if I want it to happen, I have to initiate it. We have recently started trying to invite a different family over every Sunday night for dinner. Also, I've realized that friendships have seemed to develop at a much slower pace since having kids. If nothing else, maybe this thread helps remind you (and all of us) that we aren't alone even though it feels like it sometimes.