Wednesday, June 1, 2011

News to us

Hello there faithful blog readers!  I figure if you care enough to read this you deserve advance notice that there will be another Thurmond joining our family around December 1.  Finding out we are pregnant came as a complete surprise, but we're excited.  When I went in a month ago they did some sort of measurement with the ultrasound and told me I was 7 weeks along.  The end of this week marks 12 (or 13?) weeks, plus it's the end of school, so I'll be announcing it to the public at large on Thursday or Friday.

So far things are going well - at least as far as I can tell.  I am considered a high risk pregnancy but have been doing pretty well at keeping my blood sugar where it's supposed to be, so here's hoping I can do the same for six more months!  Our estimated due date is actually December 16, but they won't let me go full term because the baby will be big, so...we'll find out more as we go on.  

That's it for now, but advice, product suggestions, etc., are very welcome.  I don't have many friends who've done this before, so I'll take what I can get.  :-)

Hope you all are well, 
Vanessa and Robb...and Scrapper! <-- Result of a random conversation between Robb and I.  Yes, we agree it would make a great dog name.  ;-)


Carrie (a.k.a. Fullykins) said...

OMG!!! I want a belly shot - ASAP! This is fantastic news and a great way to spend the summer :)Much love to you all - Carrie

bedelia said...

I'm so excited for you. You will be such a fun mom. In fact, you kind of remind me of a much younger version of my mom so I think you will be spectacular.

Sometimes I still don't think I have a clue what I'm doing. But I would recommend, the book, "The Baby Whisperer." I was in total shock when I had my first. I thought it would just come natural and it does in a way but in other ways, I was clueless. The book gave me a clinical way to look at things instead of a blubbering postpartum crazy woman.

And good luck with the diabetes, I know that can be stressful.

And reading your blog always reminds me of when we first met, and it was so easy talking and being friends with you. I think if we ran into each other again, it would be the same. Which is kind of weird for me since, the older I get the more hermitish I get. ha.

Meredith said...

Congratulations! I'm quite confident I don't have any great parenting tips but I would be more then happy to share any insight or opinions on products :)


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